Saturday, December 12, 2009

Democratic Forum

One of the famous sub-plots of Mahabharat is when Krishna tells Duryodhan to cover himself up before meeting his mother who was to remove her blind-fold for a day.Krishna does this so that he can ensure his sides victory. Some may call this manipulation by the Lord himself to get his side's win. Other's will call it pragmatism, keeping the Big Picture in mind.

I believe pragmatism is really the road to Idealism. We have to work the system to make it work. Sounds oxymoron, but that's the way it is. In context of Nagpur First, there have been some well received suggestions last week, on pragmatism.

The hallmark of any democracy is an acquiescence to dissent, contest and even rebel. I hope we can keep this Nagpur First group as democratic a forum as it can be.Of course this means, we will have to deal with criticism and clashes of ideas. Sometimes these clashes can actually be fruitful.

Having said that, negative energy can sap the momentum. We are in a very nascent stage right now. All of us are volunteering for a cause bigger than ourselves. The cause being that of making Nagpur a Global City in next 11 years.

There has been phenomenal enthusiasm shown by Messrs Saqib Karori, Faiz Wahid, Ajit Kulkarni et al in past 2 weeks or so.. (More details to follow). Vivek Bhagwatkar has already shown how dedication and commitment can work wonders. More strength to him.

Since we are residing at different locations and we are a diverse group of Nagpuris, at times it becomes difficult to co-ordinate and move. But I feel good that we have got reasonable traction already. It's only a matter of time before things start taking bigger forms.

It may seem that things are moving slowly and nothing is really happening. But that is deceptive at best. We are moving one step at a time and lot is happening.

There would soon be a list published on all initiatives taken, either on yahoo group or this blog. We are always looking for volunteers to join any initiative of their liking with Tan (efforts), Man (constructive ideas, suggestions, process help etc.) and/or Dhan (of course the funds).

All folks who came forward with positive ideas,initiatives,donations should be commended for their virtues. Clearly shows, we are on a move and things will unravel positively from here on.

This is a horizontal platform, where vertical initiatives can grow and take shape. In other words, if any of Nagpur First members wants to join any initiative, your coming forward and aligning yourself with something, will be highly appreciated. In fact it will be encouraged.

There are two initiatives that have got traction in past week. One is led by our new member Ajit Kulkarni, from D.C who is targeting a 'walkathon' in Nagpur. Ajit is himself a marathon enthusiast, and has run some international marathons.
Ajit and Amit will be sending more details on this soon.

The other piece of news I need to share is that we have formalized a team for Nag Nadi Purification. The group is called Nag-Pure. We had our first meeting (the USA chapter of Nagpur First had this) and it went well. More invites would be sent to people who are keen on joining this movement and willing to bring positive ideas to the table.

Pretty exciting stuff there; So watch out for this space.

1 comment:

  1. Very well composed post with ideas and vision set clear. I believe in pragmatism as well, and is a key to success. Also, we, as a group, should feed from eachother's motivation; that is one of the ways for this group to perform and prosper. I am glad I am able to contribute in whatever capacity I can. Thanks for this platform and opportunity.
